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Escape From Tarkov Lighthouse Map 3D: Tips, Tricks, And Everything You Need To Know
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Escape From Tarkov Lighthouse Map 3D: Tips, Tricks, And Everything You Need To Know

3D Lighthouse Maps (2 Versions, Good View and True North) r
3D Lighthouse Maps (2 Versions, Good View and True North) r from


Escape from Tarkov has been taking the gaming world by storm since its release. One of the most exciting features of this game is the variety of maps available, including the Lighthouse Map. In this article, we will be discussing everything you need to know about the Lighthouse Map. From its layout to the best strategies for success, we’ve got you covered.

What is the Lighthouse Map?

The Lighthouse Map is one of the newer additions to Escape from Tarkov. This map is set on a small island that contains a lighthouse, a few houses, and several other buildings. The map is designed to be played as a solo or duo player, with a focus on close-quarters combat.

Layout and Features

The Lighthouse Map is a relatively small map, with a focus on verticality. The lighthouse itself is the tallest structure on the island and can be used as a vantage point to scout out enemies. There are several buildings scattered around the map, including a gas station, a few houses, and a couple of warehouses.


Q: What makes the Lighthouse Map unique compared to other maps in Escape from Tarkov?


A: The Lighthouse Map is unique due to its focus on verticality, making it an ideal map for players who enjoy close-quarters combat.

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you succeed on the Lighthouse Map:

1. Learn the Map

The first tip for success on the Lighthouse Map is to learn the map. Familiarize yourself with the layout of the island and the locations of the various buildings. This will help you to move quickly and efficiently, avoiding enemy fire and getting the jump on your opponents.

2. Use the Lighthouse to Your Advantage

The Lighthouse is the tallest structure on the island and can be used as a vantage point to scout out enemies. Use this to your advantage by climbing to the top of the lighthouse and surveying the area for enemy players.

3. Stay Alert

The Lighthouse Map is a fast-paced, close-quarters map, so it’s important to stay alert at all times. Keep your eyes and ears open for any signs of enemy players, and be ready to engage them at a moment’s notice.


Q: What are some tips for success on the Lighthouse Map?


A: Some tips for success on the Lighthouse Map include learning the map, using the Lighthouse to your advantage, and staying alert at all times.


The Lighthouse Map is a fast-paced, close-quarters map that offers a unique experience for players of Escape from Tarkov. By following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success on this exciting map. So get out there, learn the map, and dominate your opponents on the Lighthouse Map!

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