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Understanding Wyoming Cwd Map In 2023
Understanding Wyoming Cwd Map In 2023

Understanding Wyoming Cwd Map In 2023

CWD found in new deer and elk hunt areas in northeast Wyoming
CWD found in new deer and elk hunt areas in northeast Wyoming from

What is Wyoming CWD Map?

Wyoming CWD Map is a map that shows the distribution of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Wyoming. CWD is a fatal neurological disease that affects deer, elk, and moose, and has been a growing concern in the state of Wyoming. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has been monitoring the spread of CWD through testing and mapping, and the Wyoming CWD Map provides a visual representation of the disease’s distribution.

Why is the Wyoming CWD Map Important?

The Wyoming CWD Map is important because it helps wildlife managers and hunters to understand the distribution of CWD and make informed decisions about hunting and management practices. The map shows areas where CWD has been detected and the prevalence of the disease in those areas. This information can be used to identify areas where hunting regulations and management practices may need to be adjusted to manage the spread of the disease.

How is the Wyoming CWD Map Created?

The Wyoming CWD Map is created through a combination of CWD testing and mapping. The Wyoming Game and Fish Department collects samples from hunter-harvested animals, roadkill, and sick or injured animals, and tests them for CWD. The department then uses GIS mapping technology to create a visual representation of the disease’s distribution.

What Does the Wyoming CWD Map Show?

The Wyoming CWD Map shows the distribution of CWD in Wyoming, including the areas where the disease has been detected and the prevalence of the disease in those areas. The map also shows the boundaries of the state’s CWD management areas, which are areas where hunting regulations and management practices may need to be adjusted to manage the spread of the disease.

What Can Hunters Do to Help Manage CWD?

Hunters can help manage CWD by following the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s guidelines for CWD testing and management. Hunters should have their harvested animals tested for CWD and should avoid moving carcasses or parts of carcasses from areas where CWD has been detected. Hunters should also avoid feeding wildlife, which can concentrate animals and increase the spread of the disease.

What is the Future of CWD Management in Wyoming?

The future of CWD management in Wyoming is uncertain, but the Wyoming Game and Fish Department is committed to monitoring the spread of the disease and using the best available science to manage its impacts. The department is continuing to research the disease and its impacts on wildlife populations, and is working with other states and federal agencies to develop comprehensive management strategies.


The Wyoming CWD Map is an important tool for managing the spread of CWD in Wyoming. By understanding the distribution of the disease, wildlife managers and hunters can make informed decisions about hunting and management practices to help manage the impacts of CWD on wildlife populations. As CWD continues to be a growing concern in Wyoming, it is important for all stakeholders to work together to develop effective management strategies that protect wildlife populations and support sustainable hunting practices.

Question and Answer

Q: How does CWD affect wildlife populations?

A: CWD can have significant impacts on wildlife populations, including reducing survival rates and altering population dynamics. In areas where CWD is prevalent, wildlife populations may experience declines, which can have cascading effects on ecosystem health and function.

Q: Can humans contract CWD?

A: While there is currently no evidence that CWD can be transmitted to humans, health officials recommend that hunters take precautions when handling and consuming meat from animals that have tested positive for the disease.

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