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Exploring The Hilarious Wyoming Map Meme In 2023
Exploring The Hilarious Wyoming Map Meme In 2023

Exploring The Hilarious Wyoming Map Meme In 2023

Have you ever met anyone from Wyoming? dankmemes
Have you ever met anyone from Wyoming? dankmemes from

The Background of the Wyoming Map Meme

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably seen the hilarious Wyoming map meme that has taken the internet by storm. But what’s the story behind this meme?

The meme started in 2021 when a Reddit user posted a map of the United States with Wyoming missing. The post went viral, and soon people started creating their own versions of the meme. The joke is that Wyoming doesn’t actually exist and that it’s just a made-up state.

The Popularity of the Wyoming Map Meme

The Wyoming map meme quickly became one of the most popular memes of 2021 and has continued to be popular in 2023. It’s been shared on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and people have even created merchandise featuring the meme.

But why has this meme become so popular? One reason is that it’s just plain funny. The idea that an entire state doesn’t actually exist is absurd, and people love absurd humor. Additionally, the meme has become a sort of inside joke among internet communities, which has helped to fuel its popularity.

The Impact of the Wyoming Map Meme

While the Wyoming map meme may seem like just a silly joke, it’s had some real-world impact. For example, tourism to Wyoming has increased since the meme went viral. People are curious to visit the supposed “non-existent” state, and some even want to prove that it does, in fact, exist.

Additionally, the meme has sparked conversations about geography and the accuracy of maps. Many people have pointed out that maps are not always accurate representations of reality and that there are often political and cultural biases built into them.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Wyoming Map Meme

Q: Is Wyoming a real state?

A: Yes, Wyoming is a real state. The Wyoming map meme is just a joke.

Q: Who created the Wyoming map meme?

A: The Wyoming map meme was created by a Reddit user in 2021. However, it quickly spread and has been recreated by countless others since then.

Q: Why is the Wyoming map meme so popular?

A: The Wyoming map meme is popular because it’s funny, absurd, and has become a sort of inside joke among internet communities.

Q: Has the Wyoming map meme had any real-world impact?

A: Yes, the Wyoming map meme has led to increased tourism to Wyoming and has sparked conversations about geography and the accuracy of maps.


The Wyoming map meme has taken the internet by storm and has become one of the most popular memes of 2021 and 2023. While it’s just a silly joke, it’s had some real-world impact and has sparked important conversations about geography and the accuracy of maps. Whether you believe that Wyoming exists or not, there’s no denying that this meme has captured the internet’s attention and imagination.

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